Chicago-Midwest ICAA is a group of professionals and enthusiasts who come together to share their love and commitment to the timeless principles of beauty, proportion, and observation that are embodied in classicism.

Our members include renowned architects, interior and landscape designers, students, builders, artisans, historians, artists, enthusiasts and vendors, among others. We celebrate the unique regional identity of the Chicago-Midwest’s classical architecture and design. We invite you to learn and grow with us!

The Chicago-Midwest ICAA established a committee to develop a strategic plan for the Chapter.  We defined our long-term aspirations in the context of our Why and our Mission.  To review our entire strategic plan, please click here.

The Chicago / Midwest Chapter of the ICAA defines our long-term aspirations in the context of our Why and our Mission.

Our Why

Learn from the past to build for the future.

Our Mission

Inspire professionals, students, and enthusiasts to teach, share and promote the value of classical and traditional design principles for future generations.

What We Believe

In our shared realm of design, artistry, and craftsmanship, we believe there are three related elements that, when interwoven, lift the human spirit and inspire a sense of delight.


It sparks the start.

It drives exploration and intrinsic motivation.

Fueling imagination and innovation.

Learning from the past while searching for something better.


It opens us to a breadth of ideas and defines our nature and our time.

Genuine relationships.

Shared pride.

Listening is a given, but hearing requires trust. Trust extended to one another – time after time.

Understanding each other's needs and contributions. Always a cornerstone for success.


It is a commitment to performance that is both deliberate and thorough.

Making the effort to understand classical vocabulary in the context of new possibilities and expectations.

Keeping quality first, believing that rewards will follow.